Reaction Rate Details

Units & Notation

Q Q value for the reaction in MeV.
T9 Temperature of the reactants in units of 109 K.
T9nm Notation for (T9)(n/m), [e.g. T932 = (T9)3/2].
T9maxj Maximum valid temperature of jth Reaction Rate (see CF88).
T9minj Minimum valid temperature of the jth Reaction Rate (needed for reverse rate #26).
RHO Density in units of g/cm3.
X Mass fraction of hydrogen.
rcj Rate coefficient of the jth reaction (varies from 0 to 1, initially set to intermediate value of 0.1).
fj Rate of the jth reaction in (cm3/moles)(N-1) /s, where N is the number of particles involved in the reaction.
rj Reverse rate of the jth reaction in (cm3/moles)(N-1) /s.
dfj Temperature derivative of the rate of the jth reaction in (cm3/moles)(N-1) /s /K.
drj Temperature derivative of the reverse rate of the jth reaction in (cm3/moles)(N-1) /s /K.